Saturday, June 16, 2007

holiday in Kelowna

Looking forward to the danxe recital tonight Tabs is dancing to "Me and My Gal" and Misty to 42nd Street. Saw the rehersal and both girls are amazing dancers.

tomorrow I'm back to Kamloops and then of to Nelson for a week to be with Kyran while Theresa and Jopp are in Wales. I am hoping the Carl will trim Toby's toenails while I am there. he almost has to be hogtied and will certainly need a muzzle because it really terrifies him. I can't do it myslef as his father John refuses to hold him down.

Penelope looks beautiful in the little dress I smocked for her. The color of the dress makes her eyes look brilliant blue and the gold smocking brings out the gold in her hair. I really enjoy smocking and should do more of it...always have a dress on the go..especially now with three little grandaughters that can wear them.

Must go for lunch now as Melissa is making some tacos that smell very good and one gets hungry by noon after getting up before 7am.